Canada FDI

Canada as a Foreign Direct Investment Destination Webinar

The Canada-UAE Business Council is pleased to support the webinar "Canada as a Foreign Direct Investment Destination" organized by the Canadian Business Council of Abu Dhabi in collaboration with the Embassy of Canada in the United Arab Emirates.

Webinar Canada FDI

Canada has one of the largest and most comprehensive investment relationships in the world. Canada encourages foreign direct investment (FDI) by promoting its stability, global market access, and infrastructure.


  • 4:00pm - Welcome and introductions by moderator, CBC Relationship Manager
  • 4:05pm - Why Canada? Benefits of investing in Canada, Larry McClure, Senior Investment Officer, Embassy of Canada
  • 4:20pm - Setting up a Business in Canada - Corporate legal framework, Stephen Green, Green & Spiegel LLP
  • 4:35pm - Corporate Tax Advantages in Canada – Isabella Bertani, Bertani Global
  • 4:50pm - Q&A
  • 5:00pm - Webinar ends